Meet Our Environment and Climate Change Canada Research Leads
Academic Partner
Project Management Committees
Two project management committees (PMC) are comprised of Arviat and Coral Harbour residents and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) employees.
The Arviat PMC members are representatives from the Nivvialik Area Co-Management Committee and the Arviat Hunters and Trappers Organization (HTO). Present and past members have included David Aglukark Sr., Angelina Suluk, Thomas Ubluriak, Thomas Alikaswa, Nicholas Arnalukjuak, and Gordy Kidlapik.
The Coral Harbour PMC members are representatives of the Irniurviit Area Co-Management Committee and the Aiviit HTO. Present and past members have included Noah Kadlak, Ron Ningeongan, Darcy Nakoolak, and Moses Nakoolak.
Community Researchers
Community Researchers provided invaluable guidance and support throughout this project. The images below show Community Researchers and community members who share their knowledge and perspectives so generously while collaborating on the Inuit and Light Geese Project.
Winnipeg Workshop Participants

David Aglukark Sr., Jason Akearok, Joanasie Akumalik, Ray Alisauskas, Nute B. Arnauyumayuq, Donald Akammak, Bradley Carpenter, Natalie Carter, Jean-François Dufour, Lenny Emiktaut, Dominique Henri, Aupaa Irkok, Paul Irngaut, Andrea Ishalook, Vicky Johnston, Noah Kadlak, Manny Kudlak, Jean-François Lamarre, Jim Leafloor, Raymond Mercer, Moses Nakoolak, Ron Ningeongan, Natasha Ottokie, Mark Paniyuk, Kyle Ritchie, Myra Robertson, Bobbie Saviakjuk, Bobby Saviakjuk, Daniel Shewchuk, Paul Smith, Angelina K. Suluk, Michael Tucktoo, Thomas Ubluriak, Shayne Ubluriak, Cheryl Wray, Ryan Zimmerling.